New content updated for the web page and our site presentations. For the moment, data sheets can not been published, but you will soon see new interesting documentation for Ephesus, Olympia, Lekandi and the site of Kommos.

The GREPURE Project has been participating in the organization of the 5th IARPotHP conference, entitled: “From East to West and back again: societies, economies and ceramics in the hellenistic world”. Held virtually in the University of Seville, this 5th edition aimed at giving a fresh look on the contact between Eastern and Western shores of the Mediterranean, as a major axis for the study of the Antiquity. From the Early Iron Age onwards, long-distance trade routes linked the Eastern Mediterranean with the Atlantic, and consequently the Levantine and Greek worlds with the rest of the Middle Sea. In Classical antiquity, that connection stimulated exchanges in consumption and culinary practices in the central and western Mediterranean, and at the same time introduced new products to the eastern markets. As a result, Late Classical and Hellenistic societies became more integrated from an economic and cultural perspective, developing common practices for cooking, feasting and the selection of pottery for these purposes. Technological and typological transfer and influences can also be traced among such disparate communities, as western and eastern Greeks, Carthaginians, western Punics, Etruscans and many other groups from the Near East to the Black Sea and beyond the Pillars of Heracles. This ‘globalization’ process concerned not only fine or cooking wares, but also amphorae, plain wares, building material, kilns, workshop planning, artisanal tools, etc., and should be considered an important precedent for the subsequent expansion of Rome as a hegemonic power in the Mediterranean world and its peripheries. The scientific topics and perspectives of the Seville conference was a perfect opportunity for the GREPURE team to present new sets of material and discuss with other scholar on the contact between the Punic territories and the Greek sphere.
See the program here